Concentrating on the main muscle areas that many people carry a lot of tension in, this back, neck and shoulder massage uses a range of techniques to relieve tension, ease stress and calm the mind. The time has been extended to 40 mins to allow the therapist to work longer on the required areas.

Concentrating on the main muscle areas that many people carry a lot of tension in, the neck and shoulders, this deep muscle massage uses a range of techniques to relieve tension, ease stress and calm the mind.

This restorative full body massage starts with a relaxing foot soak to clear your mind and ease any stress or tension. A number of difference massage techniques are then applied to relieve tension, improve blood flow and calm your mind.

This restorative full body massage starts with a relaxing foot soak to clear your mind and ease any stress or tension. After selecting an ESPA aromatherapy oil to either calm, soothe or invigorate, a variety of massage techniques are then used to relieve stress and tension.

Partnering with ‘Amethyst Trust’, ESPA has developed a collection of nurturing face and body rituals that have been specially created to soothe, relax, and nurture our guests who are recovering from or living with cancer.

Be Nurtures Massage is a soothing, relaxing and rebalancing personalised massage, focus is placed on areas of concern using a gentle but rich oil to deeply nourish and hydrate skin while calming the mind.

Our Be Nurtured Treatments are suitable for people currently undergoing cancer treatment & in remission. (If you have had surgery, then we do require 6 months since the procedure as per any operation).

This restorative deep muscle massage starts with a relaxing foot soak to clear your mind and ease any stress or tension.We then use specialist techniques on specific areas of concern to alleviate common discomforts such as a stiff neck, painful lower back pain and sore, tight shoulders.